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Divorce Team Radio - Your Source for Divorce and Family Law Matters

May 29, 2019

Domestic or family violence is not a new phenomenon, and it is not something that is simply going to go away.  This type of violence is much less visible than other types of violence. It happens behind closed doors.  It can be a pattern of behavior rather than an isolated incident.  Because of these issues, victims of abuse can often times be scared to seek protection of any kind.

In this show, Leh and Todd discuss how to obtain a Family Violence Protective Order (FVPO), also called a Temporary Protective Order (or TPO for short).  Specifically, they get into:

  • The wording of the law.
  • The evidence you need to present in order to obtain an ex-parte FVPO and a 12 month protective order.
  • The filing process.
  • The different types of terms that can be included in orders.
  • The protections a Family Violence Protective Order provides, including the possible penalties for violating the terms of a FVPO, and other issues related to issuance of a FVPO (like placement on the FVPO Registry, prohibition against possessing firearms, etc.).
  • Obtaining a 3 year or Permanent Protective Order
If you would like a transcript of this show, you can find it on our website.  
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