Dec 14, 2020
In this show, Leh and Todd tackle questions about Adultery. The questions they answer include:
Nov 30, 2020
Divorces caused by adultery are filled with emotion for obvious reasons. But what impact does it have on the actual outcome of the case from a legal perspective? In this show, Leh and Todd explore its impact on Child Custody, Child Support, Alimony, and Equitable Division of Property. They also discuss the Financial...
Nov 29, 2020
Oct 29, 2020
Oct 16, 2020
You only get one chance to deal with the debt in a divorce, so it is critical to get it right. When you don’t, it can become a nightmare that feels like it will never go away. In this show Leh and Todd discuss some forms of debt that arise in a divorce and how to deal with them, including Credit Cards, Store Credit,...