Mar 25, 2019
Mar 18, 2019
With our mobile society, families find themselves moving all the time. The reasons vary and normally it is not a big issue (apart from the pain of moving). When you have a divorced family, however, a move becomes a major event, especially if that move is across the country. In this show Todd and Leh discuss what the...
Mar 11, 2019
Eric Lang is a very successful lawyer, but mental illness almost cost him everything. He didn’t realize he suffered from Bi-polar Disorder. He thought everyone felt like him. But his mental illness ultimately led to his attempted suicide. Thankfully, he failed. And after that he worked to learn about his...
Mar 4, 2019
In this last show, Todd and Leh discussed some of the history and current law on Prenuptial Agreements. In this show, they examine some current and past celebrity prenuptial fights to learn from each one.
They first look at the arguments made by actor Adrian Pasdar (General Talbot on Marvel Agents of Shield) in his...