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Divorce Team Radio - Your Source for Divorce and Family Law Matters

Sep 23, 2019

Making sure you have the right lawyer for your case is critical.  It can make a huge difference in your case.  But what happens if you are in the middle of a case and you start to doubt your lawyer?  Should you change lawyers if you are concerned?  Or, is it just that you do not understand the legal system and should...

Sep 18, 2019

While we can help with the legal side of things, what people often need is for someone to come along side of them for a different kind of support.  This support is not counseling, and it is support that either a lawyer can't give, or it is just cost prohibitive for a lawyer to provide it.  This kind of support is,...

Sep 16, 2019

In just about every family law case that involves a division of assets or financial support of one nature or another, each party must complete a Financial Affidavit.  From experience, it is not something that everyone rushes home to work on after learning about it.  Unfortunately, they should.  It is arguably the single...

Sep 9, 2019

As lawyers, we do not like to waste time. We like to be as helpful as possible when it comes to serving our clients.  Unfortunately, clients can sometimes be their own worst enemy and unintentionally drive up their attorney's fees.  In this show, Leh and Todd discuss 7 things clients can do to help them be more...

Sep 2, 2019

One of Todd's favorite things to do is combing through the tabloids for family law cases involving celebrities.  Well, not really.  Todd does like to help others learn from the cases that have been publicized in the news.  In today's show, Leh and Todd analyze a variety of situations involving celebrities like Scottie...