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Divorce Team Radio - Your Source for Divorce and Family Law Matters

Apr 28, 2020

In this show, Leh and Todd discuss Child Support and Alimony Modifications that could be filed as a result of the COVID19 crisis.  Two questions that they addressed where: "Under which circumstances should you file for a modification;" and "How long should you wait before you file?"  

If you would like a transcript of...

Apr 15, 2020

In this show, Leh and Todd discuss Parenting Plans and the impact of Shelter-in-Place orders on them.  They also discuss how to stay on top of and make sense of new orders and their amendments as they continue to come out on a weekly basis.

If you would like a transcript of this show, you can find it on our

Apr 14, 2020

So much has happened in the past three weeks.  We have received dozens of Emergency Orders and Amendments to those Orders.  Orders are coming from our State and Local Government, the Supreme Court of Georgia, and the Chief Judges of each county/circuit in Georgia.  In this show, Leh and Todd discuss the status of...