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Divorce Team Radio - Your Source for Divorce and Family Law Matters

Oct 31, 2023

If you brought separate property into your marriage, make sure you know how to protect those separate assets in a divorce!  In this episode of Divorce Team Radio Todd Orston, Partner at the Divorce and Family Law firm of Meriwether &Tharp, LLC, offers tips on how to protect separate and non-marital assets, and to NOT...

Oct 12, 2017

In this show, we are going to get into a topic that people tend to ignore a bit, or take for granted.  They set it and forget it.  What I am talking about is retirement accounts.  Most people set up a 401k or are part of a pension plan, but do not pay that close attention to it after setting it up.  Then, when we get to...

Sep 15, 2017

What the heck is a Marital Balance Sheet and why should you care?  If you are going through a divorce that involves assets and debts that are being divided, you will want to care, unless you really don't care about getting a fair division of assets.  In this show, Leh and Todd talk to Ryan Shafer, one of the divorce...

Sep 11, 2017

In this show, Todd Orston and Leh Meriwether invited Laurie Dyke back onto the show to challenge her on how to calculate marital interests in situations involving separate property.     The show was packed full of great conversation, and more importantly, good information on how to work through tricky situations...