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Divorce Team Radio - Your Source for Divorce and Family Law Matters

Oct 29, 2020

Leh and Todd  had the privilege of interviewing Erika Anne Englund, the Chief of Strategy for SupportPay.  Erika came on the show for two reasons.  First, she shared with us SupportPay.  This App really helps co-parents easily and quickly manage their child support and shared child expenses.  She told us the inspiration...

Oct 16, 2020

You only get one chance to deal with the debt in a divorce, so it is critical to get it right.  When you don’t, it can become a nightmare that feels like it will never go away.  In this show Leh and Todd discuss some forms of debt that arise in a divorce and how to deal with them, including Credit Cards, Store Credit,...

Oct 12, 2020

Leh and Todd decide to tackle a question that they often get :  Does My Divorce Have to Be Nasty?  They break down this question; explain what they mean by “Nasty”; why it is so important to avoid letting your divorce get nasty; and discuss multiple scenarios where it is extremely difficult to keep from...